Scott Tibbs

Stop fearing man instead of God

By Scott Tibbs, December 4, 2023

From a purely secular scientific standpoint, the resurrection of the dead makes absolutely no sense. The idea that a dead body, including ones that have been in the grave for hundreds or even thousands of years, could be raised and restored has no basis in science whatsoever. The concept of a virgin birth also makes no sense: There is zero evidence of asexual human reproduction. Yet many self-professed Christians who have no problem with those "insane" concepts are the first to assure everyone that they believe in evolution. They do not reject Teh Science. Why is that?

The election of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House brought a bunch of this to the forefront. As Leftists and the news media condemned Johnson for his "fundamentalist" views, they also clutched their pearls over Johnson's horrifying view: That God created the universe in six days! But do not worry, the fine folks at The Bulwark rushed to the microphone to assure everyone that, while they may be Republicans, they also believe in what Teh Science says about evolution. (Note that Teh Science is not the same as actual science.)

It is one thing for Christians to sincerely believe in theistic evolution - the theory that God created the universe and guided evolution over billions of years. It is another to fear the scorn of man, and embrace evolution purely because you do not want so be seen as a backwards, uneducated hillbilly. We are sophisticated city dwellers, not country bumpkins living in Appalachia!

One way to test whether someone holds to theistic evolution in good faith is how he reacts to young earth creationists. If the theistic evolutionist openly scorns YEC and assures "the cool kids" that he is not one of those people, the theistic evolutionist is probably much more concerned with his reputation than what is actually true - and certainly more than honoring God. The theistic evolutionist who treats YEC with respectful disagreement is much more likely to be sincere in his beliefs.

But in the end, Christians will never be accepted by people who believe in Teh Science. We will always be seen as weird and maybe dangerous, praying to our "sky daddy." If you are a Christian, you believe in a number of supernatural things. This means you have rejected Teh Science, at least as the world sees it. So given this, why not just confess your faith? After all, the Lord tells us in Luke 6:22-23 that we are blessed if we are scorned for His name's sake. Stop fearing what people will say about you. Maybe you would be better off not attending that cocktail party after all.

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