General principles on tax cuts
By Scott Tibbs, December 22, 2017
As the Trump administration works to pass some much needed tax cuts, we should re-examine some general principles. This is especially important given how hysterical some of the arguments against the tax cuts have been. Some of this is due to hatred of Donald Trump, but we have seen some of the same illogical attacks on tax cuts for generations now.
Spending causes deficits, not tax cuts. Any family or business knows if you take in X amount of money per year, you need to spend X or less than X. The federal government (under both Republicans and Democrats) has failed to discipline spending for a very long time. As voters, we have been happy to accept the goodies that come from that spending, regardless of the debt it has piled on future generations. The only way to balance the budget is to spend less.
Confiscating less of someone’s wealth does not rob anyone else. It is completely nonsensical to argue that taking less of someone's income is wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.
You are not worse off because someone else is better off. If someone else is allowed to keep more of what he earns, that does not mean you have less, or that your quality of life is lower.
Allowing someone to keep more of what he earns is not a gift to him. You cannot equate tax cuts to federal benefits. Someone getting a check (or other tangible benefits) from the government is not the same as the government confiscating a little bit less of what someone else earns.
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