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Vote for Jim Banks for Congress

By Scott Tibbs, April 18, 2016

Note: I submitted this letter to the editor to the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette.

I have known Jim Banks for 16 years, since he was a student at IU Bloomington. He worked tirelessly to elect Republicans and advance conservative values, and spent a lot of time helping elect two of the most qualified men I have ever known to serve in Congress - John Hostettler and Mike Sodrel.

Jim then went on to work for Focus on the Family, one of America's premier organizations fighting for conservative values, the right to life, and Biblical marriage. Jim is an uncompromising defender of our First and Second Amendment rights and understands why the federal government must be limited. He authored and advanced critical legislation expanding concealed carry, and he has worked tirelessly to protect the unborn in the state legislature.

Jim served his country in Afghanistan and is fully informed on issues of the day. He is the most prepared and the most qualified candidate to advance conservative values and legislation if he is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

I cannot tell you how proud I am that this young college student has transformed into a statesman, a leader of the conservative movement and, hopefully, the next Congressman representing northeast Indiana.

Vote for Jim Banks for Congress in the May 3 Republican primary.