By Scott Tibbs, September 28, 2012
Let me state very clearly - and I hope it is obvious - that the United States Government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its content and message. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. - Barack Obama's secretary of state, September 13, 2012
I said earlier this week that Barack Obama is not an American because he does not believe in the founding principles of America. Republicans need to keep pounding this point home, because this is a huge weakness for this President in the upcoming election. But much more important than that is how incredibly dangerous Barack Obama's foreign mindset is to our national security.
Obama's secretary of state is dead wrong. We have never had a commitment to religious tolerance. We have a commitment to religious liberty. The two are closely related, but are most certainly not the same. "Tolerance" is very dangerous because it can be used to silence views that are seen as "intolerant" - which is exactly what the Muslim terrorists are demanding that we do.
Again, make no mistake about it. This is about Sharia law. This is about banning all criticism of Islam and Mohammed, and Barack Obama is playing right into their hands. This obscure video is an excuse for the riots, not a reason for them.
Religious liberty, meanwhile, is very different. Religious liberty means our government will allow us to practice our chosen faith and to speak of our faith without worry that the government will come knock down our door and arrest us for not following the state's chosen religion or the majority's chosen religion - or for being "intolerant." Religious liberty means that I can say Islam is a false religion (which it is) and Mohammed is a false prophet (which he is) and Muslims can also voice their opinions. Government's only role is to make it illegal for Muslims to kill me for saying what I just said.
If Obama was an American, he would not be denouncing the video. The only people he would denounce would be the terrorists. If Obama was an American, he would not be distancing himself from the video. He would be embracing freedom of speech and telling the terrorists to deal with it.
If Obama was an American, he would not be rounding up the man who made the film like he was some sort of criminal. He would be ordering the Libyan government to turn over the terrorists so we can exterminate them - or we will come get them ourselves, and exterminate them.
The remarks by Obama's secretary of state were utterly despicable. In response to terrorist attacks against America, in response to the obviously premeditated and pre-planned murder of our ambassador, the Obama administration's response is to denounce the "offensive" video two days after 9/11.
I never thought I would see the day when the President of the United States would side with the terrorists, especially only 11 years after the war crimes committed on September 11. That day is here, and we knew this day would come the moment Obama was announced as the winner of the 2008 election. Obama must not be re-elected.