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Tolerance and censorship don't mix

By Scott Tibbs, May 2, 2011

Leftists at Indiana University South bend are trying to get Chick-fil-A thrown off campus, because of the organization's ties to socially conservative organizations such as the Family Research Council. A number of students have taken the unusual step of filing complaints against the IUSB chancellor because she allows Chick-fil-A to operate on campus.

So let me get this straight. If you refuse to discriminate, you are violating the anti-discrimination policy? What?

This line of attack is as hypocritical as it is nonsensical. Today's lesson in hypocrisy comes from Hannah Stowe, a junior at IUSB. Consider the following two statements by Stowe:

  • "I didn't feel that Chick-fil-A belonged at my university."
  • "IUSB is a place where everyone is welcomed and ideas can be exchanged freely."

Right. Ideas can be exchanged freely unless we disagree with those ideas. Then, not only will you not be allowed to express those ideas, you will be punished economically. It is sad that a university "student" is unable to think critically.

This is ridiculous. What this really demonstrates is that the intolerant Left has no interest in tolerance and certainly no interest in the free exchange of ideas. If you step out of line, you will be silenced and punished.