By Scott Tibbs, July 17, 2009
As of this post, comments are now enabled for new articles posted on ConservaTibbs.com. Simply click the comment link on the post page to leave your own thoughts about something I posted here. Thanks to Blogger.com for providing this service.
There are a few rules, listed below.
- A reasonable level of civility is expected. While it is expected that controversial issues may generate heated debate, there are common-sense limits of civility that will be enforced.
- This blog is a family-friendly site. Therefore no cursing, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, etc. will be allowed. This is a zero-tolerance rule. For example, if you drop the F-Bomb, I will smack your post with my Delete Stick.
- Everyone who comments is expected to do so under his/her real name, first and last. No pseudonyms will be allowed. Anonymity has greatly coarsened discourse on the Internet, so people who comment on ConservaTibbs.com are expected to take responsibility for what they post by using their real names.
- If you do not like the topic of a post, do not comment. Do not complain that the post exists.
- All moderation decisions are final. I may post an explanation or I may not, depending on the situation. If you have a question or a concern about a moderation decision, e-mail me privately rather than posting in the comments.
Posters who do not follow the rules can expect to be smacked with the Delete Stick.