Bloomington Herald-Times, April 29, 2009
To the Editor:
In response to Heather Hill (4/16), I propose we immediately close MCCSC and Indiana University. After all, a man "can't possibly know much about" abortion, since he has no personal experience with it. If the only true knowledge comes from personal experience, why are we spending billions upon billions to educate children and young adults? Hill's argument is absurd.
It's interesting that a man's opinion on abortion is only irrelevant if he opposes killing babies by dismemberment in the womb. Somehow, I do not think abortion rights advocates would be supportive of an anti-abortion woman arguing that a man has no right to advocate for abortion rights. Oh, and you people protesting the war in Iraq? Unless you have served in Iraq, your arguments against the war have no merit. I am opposed to the Iraq war, by the way.
City government has given Planned Parenthood a handout from our pockets for ten consecutive years, a total of over $28,000. That needs to stop, especially since a "nurse" at Planned Parenthood was caught on videotape trying to cover up what she believed to be sexual abuse of a 13 year old girl by a 31 year old man.
Scott Tibbs.
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