By Scott Tibbs, June 21, 2006
Three months ago, Baron Hill was complaining to everyone who would listen about a Republican "fat cat" fundraiser featuring George W. Bush. In response, Hill organized a "combination political rally and support-raiser" for Hoosier Hills Food Bank. The Herald-Times jumped aboard the Baron bandwagon with an editorial stating "it's worth hoping everyone who's spending $1,000 to see Bush will also be giving at least that amount to local social service organizations to help out our neighbors in need."
Shortly thereafter, I got an e-mail from Citizens for Truth containing a release which I re-posted on this blog. CFT did an excellent job exposing Baron Hill's shamelessly political motivations and hypocrisy.
Apparently the former congressman has changed his position on "fat cat" fundraisers featuring Presidents, because Bill Clinton will be in Indianapolis on July 5 to raise money for Baron Hill. Tickets for the event will cost between $250 and $2,100. I wonder if the H-T will run another editorial hoping that people who spend $2,100 to see Clinton will give "at least that amount" to charitable organizations in Bloomington?
Where is Baron? Just when you think he is on one side of an issue, he jumps to the other side. Either "fat cat" fundraisers are to be condemned or they aren't. Does Hill think the people of the Ninth District are not intelligent enough to search newspaper archives online to see that his current political activities are in complete opposition to his stated opinion this past March?
Hill's invitation to Clinton makes his transparently political "fundraising" event at Hoosier Hills even more contemptible. Baron Hill's concern was obviously not for the poor in Monroe County, but for his own campaign. Those in need were apparently only of concern to Baron Hill when they were useful as a campaign prop to score cheap political points. Will these people be forgotten in favor of Hill's own "fat cat" fundraiser outside of the Ninth District?
I called into the Afternoon Edition on June 19 to point out Baron Hill's hypocrisy on this matter. Darryl Neher said it is unfortunate that the debate is now focused on these matters rather than what to do about public policy. Unfortunately for Baron Hill, he cannot hide behind smokescreens like this. Baron Hill chose to make this an issue in March, and he needs to be called on both his hypocrisy and his exploitation of the poor for political gain.
Hill's politically-motivated exploitation of the poor and subsequent hypocritical "fat cat" fundraiser featuring Bill Clinton are important issues for voters to consider in the 2006 mid term elections. The issue of character is very important. Voters need to know that their Congressman has a set of core beliefs and standards and will not jump back and forth over the fence depending on what benefits him at the moment. Hill's flip-flopping indicates a lack of the character we need in someone representing us in Congress.